Winston, Our Wonderful Harbor Terrier

I had the wonderful pleasure to witness a special friendship and bond between my friends Cary and his wonderful dog Winston.

You can't tell the story of Winston without Cary. Two confirmed bachelors, they spent 12 joyous years together, Winston as Cary's co-pilot, side by side doing the thing they loved most, and for Winston that was being anywhere and going everywhere Cary went. Whether it was travels and adventures or life's ups and downs, Winston was always there right by his side offering up unconditional love and boundless happiness and optimism.

Winston loved to love, Who could ask for anything more?

There wasn't a day Winston wasn't joyful, and excited for every walk and every adventure.

Winnie never wanted for anything other than to be where he belonged, right by Cary's side.

Winston was the most loving soul you'd ever meet.

It's with broken hearts we had to say Goodbye.

Thank you, Winnie, for being such a beautiful part of our life.

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