White Sox, My Life, My Friend

by Patricia Stull
(Tucumcari, NM)

White Sox came into my life a bit by default. I had a Pomeranian who was lonely. I saw an ad in the Thrifty Nickel in Clovis, New Mexico, and called about the dog in the ad. I got no answer, but later that night the man called me back. I was not sure but went ahead and got White Sox.

The man wanted $35.00 for gas for Sox. Paid! Sox and I became close very fast. I did not know it at the time but he was ill. He was consistently cold so at night (May) I'd hold him to my chest. I will never forget the feel of his little body. We did this for quite awhile.

After a stay at Caprock Veterinary Clinic in Portales NM, White Sox was well. Sox was such a treasure to me, my son, and Possum, the Pomeranian. He was loving, jealous (I was his and the truth is I really was), and was consistently there to meet anyone at the front door. He was always happy to see you and did not know a stranger. He was my life for 12 years.

He was euthanized on August 8, 2009, at Tucumcari Animal Hospital due to congestive heart failure.

His heart is not the only one that failed. Mine aches, a pain so deep it is excruciating.

Sox, I love you forever and always. Someday, my dear baby, I will meet you in heaven.

Thank you Sox for twelve years of tremendous love, joy, and walks. Wait for me son, I'll be there when God calls.

P.S. Possum and Michael miss you deeply.

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I understand
by: Margaret Houck

I just wanted to write to tell you that I sympathize in your loss of Sox. My little Pekingese Biscuit died a year ago this month, and my heart still aches, especially as I remember what we went through together towards the end.

There's nothing I can say to ease your pain, except that there will come a time when the happy memories will eventually begin to crowd out the grief. Please know that you and Sox are in my prayers.

Margaret Houck

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