We Miss Betty

by Guy
(Cornwall, UK)

Our Beloved Betty

Our Beloved Betty

It's Christmas Eve but I feel so sad. We had to make the heartbreaking decision to let Betty go on 21/12/2009. An operation to remove a growth had revealed a rare form of cancer that had spread and made it untreatable.

We only had Betty for the final 3 years of her long life. We were her retirement home! She made the decision to leave her previous life as a farm dog and seek pastures new. And her previous owner never bothered to find her.

She was in a bit of a state, not even house trained, as we believe she'd been living in farm outbuildings previously. But she revealed herself to be a loving, loyal and totally fantastic dog. We wish we could have had her for longer, but it was not to be. Her advanced years meant time was not on her side.

We've been left heartbroken by her leaving us, but we can perhaps get some comfort knowing that we gave a perfect dog a perfect retirement.

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For Betty
by: Anonymous

You and Betty were so lucky to have found each other. Take care, she is just fine now, waiting to see you again.

Xmas was sad for me also. I lost Laddie in Septmember after 13 Christmas times together. I know he is fine and waiting along with all the other companion animals I have known and loved.

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