Waltzing Matilda

by Ken
(Los Angeles)

Less than one week ago

Less than one week ago

I put down my 3 and a half year old Aussie female today. Her name was Matilda. She was the best damn dog I ever had or will ever hope to have.

Lymphoma took her before she was 2, but with the help of a wonderful cancer vet, she was in remission and lived a normal happy life for over a year.

She was the smartest, most loving animal you could ever imagine and I will never ever forget her. She did have a short but fabulous life. She walked, she hiked, she herded sheep, she ate extremely well and was such a trooper throughout her whole ordeal.

She will be missed by all who knew her, including her litter mate, Miles, who is strong like a horse, but now is alone with his humans.

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