Vinny The Vizlsa

by Ken
(Oswego, IL)

My Best Friend

My Best Friend

My boy, my best friend and my son.

I lost my boy recently, he was a little over 10. He survived a mast cell tumor a few years back but I placed him to rest due to nerve sheath cancer. I didn't want him to suffer, even though I suffer daily about my loss.

He was everything I dreamed a dog as being and much more.

I always felt special on walks and runs with him and I knew he enjoyed them immensely because it was our time together. Every walk (approximately 7,500 of them) seemed like the first one to him, even though we went over the same terrain many times. Thank God, dogs can't talk - the things I told him on those walks.

Vinny, I hope you understand that I will eventually have to get a puppy to ease my grief. I will have to pass the torch to him - but always know that your torch will burn forever in my heart.

I want to thank you for everything you were - especially for being mine!

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