Trog, my very best friend

by David
(Portland, OR)

My Boy

My Boy

You were the best thing to ever happen to me. You sat by my side at all times and never wanted me or anyone to feel sad, angry or stressed. I know it brought you stress -- you were so sensitive and I know you would not want me to be suffering like I am. You would be sitting here licking and nuzzling me.

Your life was short but very full. You played in the fields, swam in the ocean and rivers, frolicked in the snow, and drove with me shotgun for thousands of miles. Your light shined like the sun and brought joy to everyone you met. I picked you from the puppy pile on the farm and brought you to sleep with me from then on. We even got a king size bed so that we all had room, although we slept close with plenty of room to spare.

I can't stop replaying the car hitting you and you in my arms. I really thought you were Ok at first because nothing was broken on the outside but on the way to the vet I knew it was bad. I know you heard me saying how much I loved you and wanted you to stay. I know you knew, but were bleeding too bad on the inside.

I'm so so sorry! People keep saying that it was your time... know it wasn't, you were only 3&3/4yrs old. I took my attention off of you for a couple of seconds and didn't tell you to stay or cross and you went by yourself to get to me. I know I loved and cherished you and treated you like a king. I'm sorry for my lapse of attention. I made a grave mistake that cannot be turned around. You died because I was looking for wood for a stupid chicken coop!!!!

You taught me unconditional love and your bright shining spirit will guide me on. Although short, your life was beautiful. I'm so grateful I got to share some time with you. I will always be thinking of you and looking for you if you decide to come back in this world to find me. If not, we'll reunite when i die.


Comments for Trog, my very best friend

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Birthday Wish
by: Dad

Happy birthday, little buddy!!!!!!!

Still thinking of you!
by: David

I never stop thinking of you! I wish you could be here to teach and play with Phoenix!

Remembering you
by: David

Thank you for all the love you gave. I'm just remembering all the things we did together and all the places you laid around the house. I'll be coming for you!!!

Thinking of You
by: DAD

Yeah, i'm still hurting for you and I know it's the last thing you would want or think about...

love buddy

Dog Heaven
by: Gracie's mom

You commented on my post entitled Our Gracie Girl. Losing them early is horrible. I know that they had a good life with us and that we'd lose them one day, but expecting more years and not getting it is crushing.

We got a book in the mail today from some friends. It is called "Dog Heaven." It's a kid's book, but it may bring you some comfort.

Thinking of you tonight.

Happy Birthday!!
by: TROG's DAD

I love you little buddy. I'm still missing you so much. Not a day goes that i don't shed a tear for you. I'm coming for you when it's my time to cross over.

Trog's Dates
by: david

8/10/05 to 5/9/09

Still missing you, so much! I cry for you every day little buddy.

To David, Owner of Trog
by: Pier


I am sad for your loss of dear Trog. Your memorial clearly describes your love for Trog and his loyalty to you.

I love the picture you share of your friend, and I especially agree with the unconditional love that we share with our pets. I think that is why the loss seems so unbearable. That these special pets would love us, with all of our human weaknesses. That they would love us and look at us with such trust, love and devotion.

I lost my Margo in December 2008. That is when I went searching for a site that I could share my loss, and that I would not seem or sound ridiculous over grieving her loss.

Like I have suggested to other recent posts of owners who have lost their dog companions, I ask that you check in to this site as regularly as you can. You will most likely feel sad and have to revisit the loss of Trog, but you will feel better as you reach out to support others who are in the raw stages of the loss of a pet.

I know that every time I get an e-mail from dogquotations, and I read it, I will feel sad and tear up. But I always feel better!!

David, I have felt and I still feel the same as you, over the loss of Margo. She was a 'Senior Girl', but that did not excuse the pain and suffering that she endured. Because for every pain she felt, I felt the same, because she could not express her feelings, except in our eye contact, which was very powerful.

Thank you for sharing and good luck to you!

So sorry
by: Lisa

I am so sorry about Trog. It appears your love for him was strong and the bond you shared was intense. I am a firm believer that God's furry creatures go to Heaven. That is why I am positive Trog is there. I recently lost my sweet Bella. She was just 2 1/2 years old and died suddenly. My vet believes she had a heart condition that we knew nothing about.

When you lose something so dear suddenly it is difficult to carry that burden alone. I will pray for you. Remember Trog is in Heaven and is happy.


This Site
by: david

thanks! I'm not sure how to get through all these pages. Please give the exact title of your posting so i can go back and read it. Is there a search? Thanks for reading.

Your Buddy
by: tom

I am sorry for your loss. I come to this site after I made a memorial for my little buddy Ned. You can check his page out if you would like.

Trog will never be far from you. His spirit will be there. Listen for his bark in the wind and you will see him in your dreams. He will wait for you at the bridge just like all of our pets that have passed away. Every day gets better but it's hard.

Good Luck,


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