To my dogs that are now gone; I once heard some "authority" on dogs say they can't love. That is pure BS to anyone who has ever had one. They love more deeply and unwaveringly than any human could ever do.
To Rodger, a Collie in my childhood, who taught me the meaning of mutual respect, to Edgar (a 10 pound mutt) who would dance all over the place when I rattled the keys and asked if she wanted to go bye bye in the car car, and to Skelo, a mini Dachshund who would push me off my pillow at night and chew on my toes during the day:
All of you showed me true devotion, love and unfailing companionship for years. I pray if there is a Heaven, I will see you all again. If, as I have been told, there ain't no dogs in Heaven, then I have no need to go there.
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