To My Wiggy

by Emily



You were my best friend, more than just a dog. As I look back on the pictures of me and you together, happy, I just want to go back to that time, when you were alive.

When you were alive, I took you for granted. I didn't think you would go so soon. If I knew you didn't have many days left, I would have made the last few days special, and spent every moment with you. I don't know how I can live with myself for doing you like that.

I want you to know that I love you, and I always have. And I wish you were still with me, we had some fun times together. Nothing or no one can replace you. You were with me always, and it doesn't seem real that you're gone.

I wish we could take just one last walk, and I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. You will always be mine, nothing will ever change that.

~~Wiggy~~ (September 10th 1999 - November 26th 2008)

We were together since I was 4 years old. I'm 13 now. I had Wiggy all his life.

Comments for To My Wiggy

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Wiggy's spirit can live on in your actions
by: Kevin in NB


I know how you feel. I've felt that way for over 7 months now. If you search for Mischief, you can read my story.

Wiggy may be gone, but her effect on your life will endure. She helped you learn how animals, like people, have feelings, love and deserve their chance to live in peace.

Use that knowledge to fight for animal rights. They need people like us to speak up for them in a world where they are losing everything to humanity.

Fight for the animals. Do it for Wiggy. Make her life matter.

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