To my little love...I still cannot believe it...

by Theodore
(Athens, Greece)

My little girl and me having a rest

My little girl and me having a rest

Myrto came to our lives in April 1994. We found her on the streets... She was a puppy... And since then she became our first child, our friend, our love.

Our daughter was born a year later and she grew up with Myrto... every single day.

In December 2007 she became very weak and the vet did an ultrasound and said she had haemangiosarcoma of the spleen. She was operated on and recovered soon after. A few days before Christmas a very happy vet rang to tell us that the tumor was benign. You can imagine the joy of all... But on January 6th she had another internal bleeding attack and she started deteriorating.

She died in my arms on Monday, January 28th, 2008, at 1:20am. This moment still haunts me almost every single day. I just cannot forget it. I miss her so much. She loved me and I loved her and she knew it. She was my little girl. My wife feels the same way. Today it is one year after her loss. I just wanted to share that with other people who happen to understand our feelings. Thank you.

Comments for To my little love...I still cannot believe it...

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Thank you...
by: Theodore

Dear John.

Thank you for your kind words. It is a great relief to talk to people who feel the same way.

Your loss
by: JOhn

I know your pain all too well. It's something that lasts sometimes forever. People may just call them dogs buy i call them part of my own life support. I put "dolly" down November 30th and every day when i think of her, it hits me so hard that she's gone. I still just can't believe it. Hang in there.


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