To My Girl Wolf

by Ed
(Denver, Colorado )

Wolfie girl, 12 years have now passed since that fateful day that serious injuries forced me to send you home to God.

Time has not convinced me that I did the right thing that day, girl, but the vet told me that in spite of the fact your injuries would eventually heal, you'd never walk normally again and maybe not even at all.

Dear Wolfie, running, walking, and playing were your life, and I knew that if you were denied these things, you'd never be truly happy and whole again.

You were my Angel, my friend, and my protector. I loved you then, girl, and I love you now.

I pray your soul found peace in Heaven and that you were there to welcome your Brother Fritz, and friend Co Co when they arrived.

Forgive me, girl, if I sent you home to soon. Please know that what I did that day 12 years ago was done because I loved you and did not want you to suffer.

Until we meet again, girl, watch over Heaven's gates as only you were able to do.

I love you, Wolf.

Ed in Denver

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Missing Wolf
by: Anonymous

I know how you feel in the respect that time does not really heal the pain. There is always an empty spot in our heart. You know you did the right thing. Don't blame yourself for trying to spare Wolf the loss of freedom.

I just lost my dog of 15 years and am in mourning myself. Your post touched me deeply.

I am sorry for your loss. I understand that no matter how long it's been, we still miss them. Some people may not get it, but I do.

Take care, friend. Give any animals you have an extra hug.

Missing You at Christmas
by: Ed

It's Christmas time, girl. All these years have not removed you from my heart / memories nor will 100 more years.

The holidays are just not the same without you here to share them with me, Wolf.

I believe you're up in Heaven with Fritz and Co Co watching over me.

I love you all.

Ed in Denver

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