To My Dearest Spunky, the Keeper of My Heart

by Jay

Spunky was an extra special girl, although I didn't know it at the time. I mean, I went to the shelter and adopted her because she was supposed to be a lab mix. I still had a dog at home, Shenta, who was 12. Her sister had passed 4 months before.

Spunky was so super smart. I live in severe pain, and without even teaching her, she picked up things when I asked her. She knew to help only by her intuition.

She loved everyone and stole my heart completely. It was just her and I against the world, other than a cat I had. She was coal black when I got her, but after losing her old buddy, when Spunky was 2, she started this greying on her face.

After my dad died, that was the worst for her. She just adored him. The years went by and we spent most of our time together as I am disabled. When she was 13, I adopted a rescue dog who was too wild, but now helps me with the loss of my dear Spunky.

I can't stop thinking about her. She passed by injection Oct. 15, 2012.

I think of her every day, and some days are really hard. I see her beautiful face everywhere and miss hearing her walk and her barking to get in. I know that no dog could ever be better than she was. I love them all equally, but some just make more of an impact. She definitely did.

I love you and miss you so much, my old friend. I hope you are running free again, and Pa is playing and hugging you every day. I see your eyes everywhere. Love and hugs to you, my friend, until our souls shall meet again.

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