To My Beloved Romeo, My First True Love

by Sarahlyn
(Saranac Lake, NY)

I was 18 when you ran into my life that warm September morning. I didn't even know what a shih-tzu was. When I picked up this little fur ball, I immediately fell in love with your smooshy face and adoring eyes, but I had no idea how much greater my love would become.

You were by my side for twelve years. You never gave up on me or walked away. You stood by my side through the good and the bad. You were always there to comfort me. I know you would have followed me to anywhere. Even when you didn't feel well you always got up to be next to my side.

Your intelligence was astounding, and you amazed me with your intuition. When I was sick, you stayed in bed with me all day. You were always willing to protect me, no matter how big the foe.

Our bond was so special that there are no words to describe it. All I can say is my love for you was unconditional, and it is never ending.

I know you fought to stay alive for me, and I know you didn't want to let go as much as I didn't want to let you go.

You were such a sweet and friendly dog who made such a great impression on everyone you met. So many people loved you and realized what a very special little dog you were.

But I know that you loved me most all. I was your whole world, and that unconditional love was one of greatest gifts I ever received.

Every morning I wake up expecting to feel your little body on my feet or cuddling next to me, where you slept every night for twelve years. When I come home, I expect to look up to see your smiling face and wagging tail to welcome me. I expect to hear your padding little footsteps coming from another room, following me everywhere.

You were my first true love, my best friend, and my darling baby. I can't imagine my life without you. I want this to be a bad dream. This is my first christmas without you and it is so hard and painful. But I know you were sick and hurting.

I gave you the best doggy life possible. You gave me more than I ever gave you. I know one day I will see you again, and I know you will be waiting for me. I know your spirit is always with me.

I love you, Romeo, forever and always.

September 1999- December 2012

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