To Frost

by Kirsten

365 days have come and gone without you. It's only been a year but it feels like it's been a lifetime. We were only lucky enough to get to have you for about a year, but I don't regret a single moment of it. I wish we had had more time to hold you and kiss you and make you feel loved, but all I can do now is just hope you understood how we felt about you.

Your new little brother Cambridge would've loved you. I wish you could've met. Payzer noticed right away when you had gone. It took her that year to get used to a dog, you, around the house, and there she was the week after you had left us, waiting for you downstairs on her usual spot right next to your couch.

I've missed you so much, as has everyone, Poppy especially. I love you until the end of time. I hope doggie heaven is treating you well, my sweet Anastasia Frost.

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