by Jigmey
(Siliguri, West Bengal, India)
Baby Boy Thokpo
Today on 26/12/2020 at 06:15 am, my brother Thokpo left me. He died very painfully.
I prayed to god for the past 10 days to give me your pain and make you healthy like before. I am sorry, my Thokpo. I couldn’t do anything for you but I will always miss you and remember you forever.
I will never forget the time we spent together. I still feel your presence. I can hear your breath sound and your footsteps. I smell your scent.
I just pray to god that you may re-birth as human in a good loving family. And thank you for all the lovely memories you gave me. Now i will have to sleep without you.
Please stay healthy in heaven and take care, my Thokpo.
I will always love you, my boy.
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