Things I Loved About My BoBo

by Willa
(Fayetteville NC USA)

BoBo was rescued from a puppy mill. He was the love of my life for 3 1/2 years.

BoBo was rescued from a puppy mill. He was the love of my life for 3 1/2 years.

The first time I saw you I thought you were the cutest little thing I had ever seen. You had short little legs and were such a little fellow.

You were such a loving little boy and I loved to give you smooches on your cheeks.

The way you woke me up every morning by scratching on the mattress and wanting your good morning smooch.

When you were able to get on the bed, I loved the way you wallowed your face into my cheeks to show how much you loved me. What a sweetheart you were.

The way you always met me at the door no matter what time I came home. You were always waiting and happy to see me.

The way you would dance around with happiness when I came home.

The way you loved to go on car rides and the way you would "talk" to me when I asked you if you wanted to go for a ride.

The way you got all excited when I brought out your harness.

The way you would lean across the console while I was driving and give me a smooch.

The way you loved Mcdonalds and the excitement you showed when you saw a Mcdonalds bag. Oh, how I wish I had bought you some McNuggets before you left me.

The way you liked to look in the grocery bags I put on the floor after going to the store.

The way you would spin around in circles after I held you a bit. You were so happy to be loved.

The way you would talk to me when I asked if you wanted to be on tv.

The way you would prance down the hallway on your tippytoes when I gave you a milk bone.

The way you would turn and look behind you when you were eating to make sure no other dog was coming for your food.

The way you slept on your tummy with your tongue hanging out. You looked so contented.

The way you would stop at the pet door on your way outside at times and look back at me. The look on your face said “Do I really have to go outside mom?”

The way you loved exploring in your back yard. When you first came home you must have gone out and in the pet door 50 times the first day. You loved the freedom to go and come as you wanted.

The way you would chomp on your dry food and treats like they were soooo good.

The way you acted a bit mischievous at times by trying to tear up your pet bed. then you would look at me to see if I was watching you.

The way you tilted your head when you looked at me with eyes of love.

The way you followed me from room to room, always wanting to be in the same room with me.

The way you would stay up with me at night for the eleven o’clock news. You never wanted to go to bed until I did.

The way you were such a good boy when I gave you a bath. You were still as a mouse and never struggled.

The way you loved Mattie and helped her when she went out by staying out with her until she came back in.

The way you let me know I was your favorite person in the whole wide world. I will never forget you, little one. You were so special and I wish we had more time together. The time passed so quickly. I guess I took you for granted, thinking that you would be with me for a long time.

Please forgive me for my shortcomings and for not getting you the help you needed sooner. I feel like I should have been paying more attention to you and maybe I would have realized how sick you were.

You will always be in my heart. Thank you for loving me and trusting me with all my faults. I must have been special to you too. I smile now, just thinking about you. I want so much to see you again. You were my special boy but you were gone too soon.

Rest in peace BoBo boy 08-17-2010.

Comments for Things I Loved About My BoBo

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Beautiful Words...
by: Jessica

Those are beautiful descriptions of your little friend. I lost my best friend a few days ago, and I have never experienced such heartbreak in my life. I am sorry for your loss, and know that the love you feel for BoBo will never go away.

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