The Sweetest Gift

by DeAnna Baldwin
(Jacksonville, FL)

It was night time when my neighbor gave us a lift to pick up Denver. As I waited at home I did not know what to expect. This would be my first dog. Little did I know that he would be forever pierced in my heart.

Hours later the truck pulled into the driveway. Out stepped my mom and sister, who were obviously scared to death of our new dog. He was white and black, medium weight, short and so cute. It took weeks before we got used to his weird behavior.

I was in 6th grade then and we were separated at the end of my junior year in high school. Now, I've graduated and am still sad about being away from him. You don't realize what you had until it's gone. We left him with someone in Orlando because we were not able to take him with us to Jacksonville.

I am not sure if he is dead or alive right now. But I love him soooooooo much that words can't describe how I feel.

Denver, I miss your eyes, precious bark, and your sweet company. Mommy loves you and your sisters!!! I pray that The Most High watches over you and that you don't die in pain or from the hands of evil. That is why we did not take you to the SPCA. There will never be another dog like you!!!

Love, your family

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