The Loss of My Best Friend...

by Felicia
(Nokesville, VA)

My precious Fatboy... I love and miss you terribly...

My precious Fatboy... I love and miss you terribly...

Fatboy left me this sad June 7, 2008... I still can't believe that he is gone. I keep going to my bedroom expecting to see him sprawled out on my bed; all fours in the air... I sit here in this chair, in front of this computer, and I don't feel the warmth of his body at my feet... or the power of that head sitting on the top of my knee...

Fatboy was a 2 year old American Pit Bull Terrier; too young to have died. Now that he is gone, I have a huge void in my heart, my home, my life... There is a lot of empty time in my day now.

He was a great dog, the best I could have ever asked for. I would talk to him and babble on about my day, and he would hang onto every word; as if he knew what I was talking about... Now he is gone.

Fatboy lives on through his daughter, Fatgirl. A picture perfect image of her father. I look at her now, and I know that he is a part of her, and I can't take my hands off of her.

I love you, Fatboy... I always have, I always will.

Mommy misses you, baby boy!!

[Gimme that nose, boy!!] =D

Comments for The Loss of My Best Friend...

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by: meg

Hi Kevin.

I forgot about this place. I still miss my dog.

Know god is taking good care of your dog. Yours and mine are playing together now, thinking of us too. They wil always be in our hearts.

by: meg

I'm new here. I want to say sorry for your loss. I lost my dog 3 years ago. It still hurts.

It was her liver/kidney, but I feel it was something else. The gate was left open and she got out. She must have eaten something. She was fine before that.

I feel it's my fault.

Your response to Fatboy's mom
by: Sandra

You state quite beautifully and accurately how much we can learn from our babies if we are open. My Roxie did just that. I had her for 7 years. She went home 3 days ago. I miss her terribly. I'm glad to have found this web site.

Time will ease your pain
by: Kevin in NB Canada

Hi Felicia

I'm so sorry for your loss of Fatboy.

When I was checking my email this morning, I had an email from I checked it out and found your memorial for Fatboy.

I read the first couple of sentences and could go on no further because the things you said really hit home for me, especially about him sleeping with all fours in the air and when you said "I can't believe he's gone." That's exactly what I've been telling myself for three weeks now since I lost my dog Mischief on May 14.

The first week was really the hardest, getting used to her not being there. Although I have her 3 siblings still, Mischief was the most special in so many ways and was the one that lived in the house with me. I was so sad she died so young at only 8, but after reading your memorial I guess I can count myself lucky to have had her as long as I did.

I have always loved dogs but the bond we shared was a once in a lifetime thing. It has gotten easier as I am very busy and try not to dwell on it, but I still have bad days. Last night I couldn't stop thinking about her and I just cried so much in bed. I guess It had been building up. I understand what you're going through, but it'll get better as time passes.

If there was ever a cruel fact of nature it has to be that dogs have such short lives, but it's amazing what they can teach you if you are open to it.

You can check out my memorial for Mischief here

Dogs can be such beautiful creatures, giving us the unconditional love we may be unable to find with people. Once again, my sympathies.


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