by Sue J.
(Michigan, USA)
Lucy, please come back to me, sweet girl. I miss you so much, my heart physically aches deep inside.
You came into my life at a time when I needed you most. You were there during the most difficult and lonely times - I've cried thousands of tears into your coat.
You were my best friend, the one who could make me laugh the most. You were such a goofball! I miss that.
Your intelligence was almost spooky; the way you could think, comprehend, and problem solve. Training was effortless, everything came easy to you.
The nighttime is the hardest time. You were my bedmate, my furry heating pad, my cuddle bug. The way you let me know when it was time for bed... the looks you gave me, the dog hints you let drop.
It was under the covers for you, for a while anyway, until you got too warm. Oh my, were you a dreamer! There were times I had to nudge you, for you to knock it off you got so loud & wiggly. You'd actually howl in your sleep, you weirdo!
Please tell me how to get past this. How I am to fill the hole in my soul? You left so suddenly. I didn’t have time to wrap my head around it. You were only 2 1/2 years old, coming into your prime.
You didn't die due to illness or old age. You died because of someone's horrible mistake, negligence, their not paying attention when they should have. Because of their stupidity you were ripped from me, and I cannot forgive them for that.
There are times when forgiveness is not possible. This is one of those times. But the person(s) responsible for you not being here are family... and I love them. That makes it even harder. Its such a mess of emotions.
I miss you, Lucy. I think of you every single day. I cry often. The tears come easy. The pain lingers and festers, like the open wound it is. I want you back. I want you back, I want you back. Sweet Lucy.
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