Super Dooper Cooper

Coop, I miss you so very much. I planted a memorial garden for you, filled with hibiscus and date palm trees. I placed your mini Cooper statue there so you can sit and protect the yard.

Still struggling, Bubba, with the thought that even though you couldn't get up for 3 days, I wonder if I did the right thing sending you to heaven. Would more Rimadyl have worked, more pain shots? All I know is I feel like a huge part of me has gone with you.

I look at baby bulldogs, I look at rescue bulldogs but can't bring myself to get one. I miss your snoring and your talking and barking when it was dinner time.

You were my best friend, Coop, and I haven't even been able to sit on the couch where you loved to sleep on your back.

You are missed, my friend. No one to go "bye bye cars" with, no one to tug the leash and take it in your mouth and walk home if I was chatting with someone.

Love you, Cooper!!!

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