Sugar Dog March 12, 2011

by Brenda Locklin
(Brunswick GA)

Sugar at golf course

Sugar at golf course

Sugar, we have broken hearts today as I look at you wrapped in a clean white sheet and waiting on your burial. You were such a faithful dog. You were Daddy's girl.

Oh how we loved you so. Our tears sting and burn when we think of how much we will miss you. You brought so much happiness into our lives. You guarded us, you have watched over us and protected us. You did a good job girl.

We know you were old and sick. We love you, Sugar Dog. We will watch and love and care for your daughter Popcycle till her old age, and we will place her body next to you so you will have company.

As we place your body in the ground at your home in the back yard, this will be a place for you to rest and be in peace. We will visit your grave everyday.

Don and Brenda Locklin, Your Masters
Brunswick GA

Comments for Sugar Dog March 12, 2011

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by: Mama & Daddy

Well, Sugar Dog, it was a nice day for roaming around. We missed you at the Easter Egg Hunt. You always found an egg or two. Popcycle found one on your grave, that Daddy put there. She picked it up and took it to another spot, and laid down with it in front of her. I miss you sweet Sugar.

Love Mama & Daddy

I miss you
by: Brenda

I miss you, Sugar Dog. We bring you flowers every week. Now that it is warmer outside we are near your grave more often. We talk to you every time.

I got upset the other day when I was mowing and thought I had blown a lot of leaves on your grave, but God let those leaves dance in the air and land on the other side. I was so relieved. I promised myself to weed around your spot from now on.

Love Mama

Sorry for your loss
by: Janine

I'm sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like to lose a companion. I just lost my baby on Thursday 03/24/2011. It breaks my heart to wake up every morning and he's not there :'(

Stay strong. God bless you!

My lil Sweet Sugar Baby
by: Brenda

It is spring now. if you were here you would be swimming, in the lake for sure. Every time I look out onto the lake, I remember you swimming the length of the lake. Back and forth.

In the summer you and your daddy would go for a swim. When you just did not want to paddle any more, you would ride on your daddy's back. LOL

Today a week ago
by: Brenda

March 20, 2011--A week ago today was the day we buried you. We said our goodbyes and laid you to rest at 11:30 AM, exactly at this time on Sunday a week ago. We love you, Sugar Dog.

Mama & Daddy

1 week
by: Brenda

Today makes a week since your passing. We miss you more and more.

Love Daddy & Mama

Memory of Sugar
by: Brenda

I was remembering you this morning. I was thinking about the time we left you home and you were about 8 months old. You had gotten a toilet paper roll and had it strung all over the living room, over the couch and around the chair a couple of times, all on the floor, 1000 ft of it, and then you were busted.

You looked so innocent, except for the toilet paper on your back and a little hanging out of your mouth. At the time I was mad, but now it is funny.

I would buy a 12 pack of toilet paper for you if it meant you could come back.

RE: It's Not Fair
by: Brenda

Sugar will always be alive in my heart.

It's Not Fair
by: Amy McNamara

I can feel your pain. I lost my dog in September.

Even though it's been almost 9 months, I will never forget the way he changed my life.

Dogs are so special and just don't compare to humans in any way!

by: Brenda

Thank you Sue for your comforting words. She was like a real human person. She will be thought of often. I can not pull myself together.

About Sugar
by: Brenda

Sugar came into our lives in April 2001. She was our baby.

She went everywhere with us. If dogs could not go we did not go.

She eventually started going to work with Don. It became a work thing then. She woke Don up about an hour before he had to be there, and when it was time to go she sat at the back door almost like she knew how to tell time. Sometimes I thought maybe she did it so Don would not go to work without her. I would say to her "Are you going to work today?" and she would get so excited.

She loved her job on the Golf Course. All that land of green belonged to her. She did not ask for much, but she looked forward to MR Sterns dog biscuits and Coke from the Pro Shop on a daily basis.

I will always remember her and love her. Don is lost without her.

My Thoughts Are With You
by: sue

Stay strong. I know it is hard. We lost our dear friend Sam just over a week ago and I still miss him. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of me. Be comforted by the fact you loved her and gave her a good quality of life, as we did with Sam.

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