Still grieving for our dear Rikki

by Sam and Shirley Lasley
(Clearwater, FL)

Rikki, our constant companion

Rikki, our constant companion

It has been one year ago today since our sweet Rikki left us. The delight of our lives is gone and our world is dim. We're told that time will heal our pain but not having her in our lives is so hard. It broke our hearts to lose our sweet, loving companion of 16 years, but a part of us went with her, so she did not go alone.

Now we must wait until it's our time to meet again. What a marvelous moment it will be to rejoin with her at the Rainbow Bridge, there to spend eternity together in God's heaven.

If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.

Comments for Still grieving for our dear Rikki

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Thinking about you
by: Roger and Caroline

We know you are still missing your little furry family member. Hope you are remembering how much enjoyment Rikki brought to your lives.

These animals ask so little of us and love us for just being there with them. We are blessed to have them for even a short time.

With love to both of you, Caroline and Roger

We Loved Here Too
by: Jill & Dodge

Yes, it is so hard to know that it has been a year. We considered Rikki 'our niece' and we were her loving 'Uncle Dodge & Aunt Jill', we really miss her almost as much as her parents do. She was such a bright girl and enjoyed playing as much as good, long petting strokes.

You are still with us, dear little Rikki. And, our prayers are always there for your Mommy and Daddy.

by: Anonymous

P.S. Great Picture!

For Dad & Shirley
by: Anonymous

It's hard to believe that an entire year has gone by. It is such a comfort to know that the day will come that there will no longer be sorrow or sadness, weeping or gnashing of teeth.

We pray for you as you continue to grieve the loss of your dear, dear friend.

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