Star's Sam Houston

by Helen

He was the lickin-est dog I've ever met. He was stubborn and silly and just the greatest family member any dog could be. There couldn't be another like him- that's for sure.

Sam was almost 10 - old for a boxer. We knew he had a heart condition but never imagined losing him so suddenly. It's the saddest feeling to know we won't get any more "kisses" or snuggles from him. I wasn't ready.

I can look back over the years and remember all the good stuff and even the not-so-good stuff, like how he destroyed our house twice a day for the 1st 2 weeks we had him. I can also remember how he bounced and wiggled and crab-walked because he was just happy to see us or be talked to.

I just can't face going home and not hearing him or seeing him or having him sneak up from behind to lick my hand anymore. He was noble and beautiful and perfect. No one can take his place and I just wish I could have him back.

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Months later...
by: Helen

I still miss my big guy. Thinking of him can still bring me to tears. He holds a place of his own in my heart and sometimes it makes me smile and sometimes I still miss him so much it hurts.

Sammy-boy was a great part of our family and there will never be another who will take his place. We still have our Sadie, but she has her own place in our hearts. I wish he was still here.

Your boxer
by: Anonymous

I know your pain very much as I went through it myself. Time will heal a little of it but may not heal it all. I'll keep you in my prayers....

John from NH

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