Spike (Spikeydog)

by Charles
(San Antonio, TX)

April 1, 1999 - May 1, 2015

April 1, 1999 - May 1, 2015

My sweet Spike taught me so much during our 16 joyful years together, and for that, I will remain eternally grateful. My mourning continues 2 1/2 years later, and not a single day goes by that I don't miss him by my side.

I remember the day my wife brought him home... "Not a dog!" I exclaimed. Not a dog, indeed. Little did I realize at the time, he would become my constant companion when I was home.

Spikey especially enjoyed "helping" in the garden, or barking at the fish in our pond. On a couple of occasions, he slipped off the edge and took a surprise dip, poor guy, what a mess! Fortunately I was nearby both times.

And the car...what pup doesn't enjoy the car? We'd be driving along, listening to the radio, and Spike would occasionally look up at me and give me a kiss, as if to say..."This is so cool Daddy, I love you, thanks for the ride."

Oh, the memories keep rushing back, too numerous to post here. He was such a happy little guy.

Now, whenever I find myself lamenting about my life, and times with Spike, I can tell the non-dog people from the others. They just sit there, glassy-eyed, can't possibly understand...after all, it's just a dog! Nope, they will never, ever understand, will they?

Comments for Spike (Spikeydog)

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You Got That Correct
by: Deb

No, they will never understand, not until they experience true love.

A human will never know what love is until they love an animal/pet.
Those who have, understand.

Sharing in Your Grief
by: Jennifer

I understand exactly what you are saying... about everything.

Our Camille, our sweet, sweet basset hound, died (I posted on here December, 2016). To this day, I think of her, too, every day. Sometimes I think I must be crazy in some way...I can still spill huge, spontaneous tears.

About humans who have never loved a dog or have been loved by a dog... I see the veil fall between them and me when I share about my Camille and that love that runs so deep..to the core of the heart

I see that veil as blocking them from having truly experienced a more full life, a life with love so palpable, so wonderful, and so painful when our pets leave us.

Sending you comfort and strength...

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