Sophie, the Best Dog Ever...
by Elisha
Dear Sophie,
You were the best and the very first dog I ever had, and I miss you so much.
You got sick because of this disease, you didn't even live until your 1st birthday. I feel that I am to blame for that.
All my friends loved you. Why did you have to go so soon? You probably saw how many nights I cried without you by my side. I'm crying now as I write this.
I just hope you are happy wherever you are. You were my best friend, you might have peed on the floor, my bed, well basically the whole house was your personal toilet ahahah, but at least I could tell you everything.
You licked away my tears when I cried, and stayed by my side. I want you to know how much I love you and miss you every day. I still remember when you slept in my room and I had to hide you every time my mom checked up on me.
I just want you to know I miss you lots....
Love, your owner, Elisha <333