Sometimes All a Girl's Got Is Her Dog

by Jenni
(Corpus Christi, TX)

My Sydney died today. He died with me by his side. He stood by my side for half my life.

I miss him so much, my heart hurts tremendously. He's always found his way to me in the past. Is it too much to hope he can do it just one more time?

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Thank you so much for the support
by: Jenni

I can't thank the two of you enough for your comments! One of the hardest things about losing my sweet Syd is that I almost feel silly talking about how desperately I miss him. I feel as if people think "he was just a dog!" Unfortunately, we live in a society that minimizes pet loss. I'm so grateful for this site.

Ed from Colorado, you have given me hope! Thank you!

God's Speed Sydney
by: Ed

I lost my beloved Co Co in December and she has come back to visit me since.

it sounds "strange," but there have been times I could smell, and hear, her as if she were still alive and by my side.

Rest in peace, little one.

Ed in Colorado

So Sorry To Read About Sydney
by: Vanessa

My heart goes out to you. I know how much you must be missing your Sydney. He meant the world to you. He must have been a truly faithful friend, standing by your side through thick and thin.

If it would help to say this, please understand that you are not alone in this. There are millions suffering just like you; those who have been separated from their pets.

It can sure hurt a heart to the deepest core. I've been through it 7 times and each time I thought with all the heartache, I wouldn't live to see another day.

Please accept my deepest sympathy at this extremely sad time.

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