Snowy, I Am Sorry....

I take all the blame. Snowy, may you have 10 years of my own miserable life. I'm sorry I couldn't take better care of you.

I'm sorry. May you rest in peace. God bless you.

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To Snowy's Mom
by: Karen, Owner of Tiger

My deepest sympathy on the passing of Snowy. Do not be too hard on yourself. Snowy had a home. You were there to play with him and feed him and I'm sure you talked to him and played with him. He must have known that he was well-loved.

We must remember that dogs are not human beings and they do not (most of them) survive long in human years. Do not suffer the guilt trip too much. It would be too late in any case to bring him back. Go on living your meaningful life, the life that God has given to you, with good memories of Snowy. If you have any remorse, and I'm sure you do, think of Snowy's passing as a learning period and that the pet(s) you acquire in future will be better taken care of.

We all do look back and wonder whether we could have done it better, should we have taken him/her to the Vet before, should we have checked daily for any signs/symptoms, should we have given him/her a better brand of dog food, should we, should we, and more should we's. The list of questions can seem endless. So, please don't be too hard on yourself.

Again, my deepest sympathy on your loss of Snowy. Peace and Love ...

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