Snaps, My Little Monster

by Frank

On July 29th, 2015 I lost my little monster. Oh, the joy you brought me over the years. From the moment you were born with your little brother and I helped your Mama clean you guys up I knew you were different.

When you had your accident at two weeks and the doctors said I was now going to have to be your Mama and Daddy that was ok. That was when you became my little shadow. 20 trips to the garage and you were there, back and forth, watching me mow the lawn, going with me to get the mail, as long as you could go with me that was all that counted. Sitting by the door and crying when I came home.

How you loved your Mama and Daddy and Baby Brother. The day you sat and I could see the tears in your eyes when your Mama went to heaven.

From that day on you decided you would be in charge, from waking me up to telling me it was bed time, you took over Mama's jobs. What a guy.

The day they told me you had liver cancer and would live just weeks, I almost broke down right in the vet's office. I knew you would not like that so I kept a straight face. Oh how I cried on the drive home though.

Well you made it to your 13th birthday and oh did you get to eat. What a day. You knew what it was.

Sadly from that day on each day was a little quieter. You started to sleep more and did not want to move from the fireplace hearth. You sure wanted to eat and I could see the sadness in your eyes at dinner time but your tummy could not keep it down so you chose not to eat.

While you lay and waited for your Mama angel to come get you that night, it was very quiet and the birds did not even chirp when morning came. You waited until your Daddy and Baby Brother were awake and with a final pick me up cry, you closed your eyes against my chest and took one last breath.

Oh my Snaps, my heart is broken and I can't wait until the final day my little family and I are complete again in heaven. Until then, rest up, my monster, and watch the house. I will be right back.

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