Sir Dudley of Ideal

by Billy Layfield
(Ideal Georgia)

Sir Dudley of Ideal died today, November 18, 2011. He was born on March 14, 1998. He was 13 years 8 months old. His father was Spooky Sam of Butler and his mother was Bell of Star. He was born at McGahee Bassett Hound Kennels near Wrightsville, Georgia. He was a purebred bassett hound, black and brown.

Sir Dudley moved to Ideal, Georgia, on May 7, 1998 and was registered with the American Kennel Club on June 18, 1998. He was owned by Kimberly Layfield, who got into trouble at school for skipping to go get him.

Sir Dudley bred Daisy Mae of Ideal, Georgia, twice during the year 2000, with 2 litters of pups. This occurred despite predictions by the local vet that it would be difficult for bassetts to breed. Ha ha.

Sir Dudley lived in Ideal until August 14, 2001, when he moved with his family to 272 Shehee Layfield Road in Ideal, Georgia.

Freed from his pen in 2003, Sir Dudley roamed the countryside, particularly enjoying sparring with cats. He particularly liked rides on the the "cart" with whomever he could get to drive.

Sir Dudley enjoyed winter nights by the fireplace, where his loyal subjects would rub his back and neck while he slept. Never cold, he either lived in his home with his heat lamp, or whined until he was let into the house.

Summers in Georgia were quite different, where he mostly was miserable until the sun went down. He was then off to Granny's, where home cooking awaited.

Dodging several school buses and other fools through the years, he finally could not move out of the way on November 18, 2011, when he was accidentally hit in his driveway. Sir Dudley passed away on the way to the hospital.

Sir Dudley never complained, was always in good spirits, and was as good a dog as any person could own. I do hope some dogs go to heaven.

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