She Was My Soul Mate-Kate

by Bob
(Winchester, VA)

Kate was from a shelter, skinny and skittish to say the least. Kate was, at best, abused as a pup, but loved as an adult. She was not one to let anything go by, especially people she did not know (or like) and big 18 wheel trucks.

She loved treats, but more than that, she loved to run. One morning, December 16, 2011 @ 0330, Kate slipped her leash and ran her last sprint, right at an 18 wheeler. All I heard was the thump. I could not see it directly.

When I ran out to the road, she was just laying there, like she was asleep, but she was gone. There was no cry of pain, or any sign of pain, but nonetheless, she was gone—gone forever.

It's January 12th now, and I continue to cry like a baby at least once a day. If I had not taken her out that one time she would be alive today (at least that is how I think).

Kate was more than a dog. She was my soul mate, someone I spoke to everyday, someone I relied on to make the bad better, someone to love and someone to hold.

I do not know how long the pain of her death will last, but I do know I hope to God she knows how much I love and miss her.

To all who have lost a loved one, God bless you. To all who have loved a pet, God bless you too...


Comments for She Was My Soul Mate-Kate

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by: Bob

I keep reading the memorials here. It shows me I am not alone and my feelings are where they should be.

I pray for each and every one of you and I can only pray for the best to you.

I will never forget my girl, ever, and that has showed me that love will last forever---forever.

Peace to all of you...

Soul Mate - Kate
by: Clive

I am crying too, having just lost our dog Jake - it hurts so much. I just want to remember fond memories without the hurt - I am sure that it must be the same for you.

I only hope that that day will come soon.

Your Angel
by: Penny

Kate is still your angel and soul mate. She gave you unconditional love in vast amounts and is now running happily across the clouds.

Her love will never be forgotten and her faith will always be cherished.


Your Beautiful Kate
by: Anonymous

I am so so sorry for the loss of your mate. Your beautiful Kate loved you too and she does not blame you for her fate.

Kate will live in your heart forever!

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