Sam's short life

by Kareen Beinhauer
(Alpine, Texas)

I paid ten dollars for Sam. I didn't even want another dog, but when I saw him, I loved him. We bonded. Even though we I got him for my husband, he was my dog.

He was so smart. I never saw a dog who could catch a frisbee like that, or retrieve a golf ball in the dark.

I used to kiss him between the eyes. He had white-tipped ears and was beautiful.

He died in the jaws of a trap on the ranch we live on because the trapper did not check his traps regularly. Sam was found dead after being missing for 13 days.

I still grieve him almost a year later. I cherish the times when I dream about him. I never had a dog like him, and never will again. He was so special.

The good thing is that the traps are gone from the ranch, and if I have anything to do with it, they will never return.

I grieve thinking about how long it took im to give up and to know that we weren't coming for him. It will haunt me forever.

Comments for Sam's short life

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by: Kareen

What a terrible tragedy for you and especially your beloved cat. It is so nice to correspond with people who understand. When Sam was found dead some friends of ours gave us their female border collie, a daughter of Sam's, so I still have a little piece of him. I see some of the same mannerisms in her that are like Sam. Bittersweet to say the least. Thanks for writing to me.

by: Kareen

Thanks for making me feel better. I just have a lot of bad feelings towards the trapper because he told a friend of ours he thought about burying Sam and not telling us and when he did stop by the house the only thing he was sorry about was not being able to trap here. We also lost numerous calves to his traps. I feel Sam did know I loved him and I am sure your dog did, too. Thanks again

Margo's Mom
by: Pier

Dear Owner of Sam,
I understand your grief over the loss of Sam. I lost my mixed Lab, Margo, in December 2008. I left her at the vets to check out a respiratory condition. I can still recall her eye contact with me, as I left. I never saw her again, but kept her ashes. I also feel I could have done something more to save her. I always could make it work for her, before.

I believe that because of the love that I am sure Sam felt from you, he knew you would save him if you could. I have to believe that Margo felt the same about me.

Take Care.

It Takes a While
by: Anonymous

I know how you feel. My cat was eaten by coyotes right behind my house. When I found out I noticed coyote fur next to the brick wall where the coyote carried him over and ended his life. He must have fought like crazy and at least got a couple of good licks in considering the amount of coyote fur I found. But I felt awful that I didn't hear him and wake up. It took years to stop hurting so much when I thought about not saving him from such a horrible death.

It's been seven years and I finally can think about him without thinking of how he died, but just missing him because he died. We have a new tabby now and I swear he has the soul of the one I lost.

It will get easier.

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