Sadie Marie

by Samantha
(Cornelius, OR)

She came to us, frightened, in a crate. She had been in something very loud in the sky that day. Her deep hound-like bark would fill the house, and her love would fill our hearts.

She had many days running in the woods, chasing coyotes. My mom and dad's baby, she was spoiled rotten, rightfully so. She had a personality all her own, for which my family adored her.

Then I got sick, just when I thought there was no way I could love her more. I was diagnosed with a seizure disorder. Sadie would let me know when one was going to happen.

I feel grateful and proud to say that she was our dog. She was always so brave, even in her very last day. She never whimpered or cried when both of us had to say goodbye!!!

We love you, Sadie Marie.

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