Rusty Dog

by Judy Woods
(Fredericton NB)

Rusty Dog was 14 when I had to help him get to heaven. I had no idea at the time how hard it would turn out to be. I knew he was getting tired and I was the only one to help him. So I call the vet and made the appointment, then canceled it the next day. I could not do it.

We have been all across Canada together, had our cries together. He was the only reason I wanted to come home. I knew he was always waiting for me.

How could I possibly go on with out him? What was I thinking? Two days later, after many tears, I made another appointment. I knew I had to help him. I held his head in my hands and talked to him and told him how much I loved him.

I looked in his eyes as he took his last breath. Then I held him for quite some time as I told him how sorry I was and how I loved him and was going to miss him. It was not till I returned home without my buddy that I cried beyond words. My heart is broken. My life will never be the same.

I now have Rusty's ashes home. He is with me where he belongs. I talk to him still. I sleep with his blanket.

I miss him every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Did I make the right choice to stop him from pain? I do not know. I ask myself every minute, could I have waited? But for what? Because I love him, I did what I needed to do. I know that. I get it. But GOD it hurts. I am broken beyond words. My friend is gone. And I miss him.

I love you Rusty Dog
Till I see you again
The tears will roll.

Comments for Rusty Dog

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A Helpful Article
by: Theresa

So so sorry to hear of your loss.

Two days ago, our blind, toothless, 12 1/2 year old long-haired dachshund was snatched from our back yard by a coyote. She was familiar with the yard so we were not with her. Within minutes of letting her out, she was gone. The only trace of her was blood on the grass.

I'm having a hard time with the cause of death and having no goodbye. It is overwhelming.

A friend sent me a link regarding pet loss grieving. I'm an RN and remember reading the version for humans in nursing school many years ago. I started reading it today. The things I am feeling are making a little more sense, but the grief will still take a long time.

I'm a believer of doggie heaven. I have to be. That's where your loving pup is, and our sweet Josie.

Take care. I hope you read the article.

RIP Rusty Dog
by: Marie

I understand completely how you are feeling. I had to make that choice for my lab Blackbeard one and a half years ago. What kept me from feeling sad is thinking of the wonderful things that made me laugh, and the feeling I had when he was around me.

It will take time until you stop crying. I still cry. Just remenber he is feeling great running around and playing with other dogs at the Rainbow Bridge.

There is a poem called "Rainbow Bridge" that I recommend you read when you are ready. I did and still do.

You did the right thing for him.

by: JoEllen Murphy

It's so, so hard to let them go, but you did the right thing. Our boy Humphrey left us a little over 2 years ago. I still feel so sad when I look in our backyard where he's buried and see our angel solar light shining over his grave.

We later chose to rescue a beautiful yellow lab, who is a sweetheart. But there will always, always be an empty spot that misses my big, goofy guy Humphrey. God bless you during this terrible time.

You Were Right
by: Anonymous

You did the right and unselfish thing. Grief is the proof that you loved. Look up the poem The Rainbow Bridge.

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