
by Teresa Hendricks
(Overland Park, Kansas)

I lost my Rox May 2nd in a house fire. I had just been home to let her out and didn't see or smell anything. Nor did she act abnormal. Usually animals sense things.

She acted just like she always did. I let her out and gave her a treat. Then I went to lunch with a friend. Half way through my lunch I received a call on my cell.

My house was on fire. What???
Was there anyone else in the house? I screamed my dog.

My friend and I (she drove) headed towards my house as fast as possible. I was hanging on the door ready to jump out when I could.

We got there. I jumped out and ran past all of the fire trucks towards my house.

I couldn't believe my eyes. My house was totally burned inside and all of the windows blown out.

I was screaming "Rox, Rox, Rox." Someone grabbed me and said "she is already gone."

My knees collapsed. I screamed at the top of my voice.

I have tried not to but have often said "What if I had eaten lunch at my house that day? Why didn't I see or smell something? Why didn't Rox act unusual?"

I have always had dogs and each one is so special. But for some reason Rox was just extra special to me. I loved her so very much.

I pray and try to deal each day with the anger and pain. I don't think I will ever not feel pain about that day.

I have another dog now and of course I love him - Sammy.

But forever Rox will be a special part of me. I look forward to seeing her again when I go home to Heavan some day.

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