Rocky, My Wonderful Siberian Husky Dog and Companion

by Julie
(North Hollywood, CA, USA)

My pups, Rocky

My pups, Rocky

I was 10 years old when my dad brought you home. You were only a few months old, very cute and fluffy. I was a child, not knowing what lay ahead in life. You were a puppy, and we were glad to bring you into our lives.

Since then, you brought us so much light, laughter, and joy. When I was feeling down, you made my life a little brighter. Having you by my side gave me strength. We went for walks, up to the mountains, swimming, played fetch and soccer, among other fun things.

As I grew up, you came along for the ride and grew up with me. Now, I am 23 years old, have just graduated from college, and am about to start grad school. For the past three weeks, I have been touring Europe and on the day I flew back to the States, I was informed that you got sick and that you had to be put down.

Before I left for my trip, I got out of the car and went back to say goodbye to you. I rubbed your furry head and you wagged your tail. You looked at me the way you always do. I didn't know it would be the last time I would see you.

I was deeply saddened by your passing, knowing I wasn't going to see you again nor hear you howl. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to see you go nor to say my final goodbye. With you gone, the harsh reality of life has suddenly hit me.

Here I am, again not knowing what lays ahead. I may be older and wiser, but I'm still a child at heart. It is now time to face the real world and life.

Rocky, you were with me since childhood and have left me as an adult about to take on life. I'm glad you were with me on this journey. I'll never forget you, puppy. You were the best dog ever and my best friend. I'll miss you, pups.

I don't know if dogs go to heaven, but if so, I hope to see you there. I love you Rocky, and I'll never forget you. Woof (won't forget your famous howl either...bye, puppy).

Your owner and friend,


Comments for Rocky, My Wonderful Siberian Husky Dog and Companion

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Dear Julie
by: Luis David Hernandez Canedo

I also had a siberian husky named Rocky. His full name was Rocky Balboa and my two last names. I was 13 (2014) and he was a few months old. I'm the only child and didn't have the pleasure of going out with friends nor ones who lived near me.

When my father brought Rocky into our lives, we grew together as brothers and friends. He passed away this Monday at some point in the afternoon.

Your letter touched me and spoke the feeling I'm going through even though it has been four days, I miss him each day. Seeing his pictures gives me an empty feeling. I miss my only friend/furry sibling that I had for 10 years-ish.

Thank you for your letter. It brought me tears of joy.

by: kelly Schwing

Dear Julie,
I'm so sorry for your loss. Rocky had an adorable beautiful smile. I know how you are feeling as I lost my beloved Beau, unexpectedly, when I was away for only two days visiting my parents. It broke my heart.

He was my best friend, as Rocky was and always will be to you. I can tell you that time helps, but you will always feel a twinge in your heart when you think of your beloved friend. Probably because in some way they are always with us.

Kelly Schwing

Julie re: Rocky
by: LoriAnne

Your post touched me Julie. I know what it is like to have a childhood dog and lose him. I will say that your friend has likely left a mark on you that can never be taken away. The mark of knowing unconditional LOVE!

I hope you will have many dogs (as I have had) and love them all and allow them to love you. I think sometimes that God (dog-god - dog spelled backwards) allows these particular carriers of LOVE to be in our lives for these short sprints (13 is old for a big dog) - so we can learn it well.

I know you will have a great life!

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