R.I.P. My Sweet Hunter, My Bobo Bear — 17 Years Old, An Amazing Life!

by Vesna

I rescued you when you were a senior, 12 years old. Over the last 5 years you've enriched my life with your unconditional love, your strength, your determination for life, and your ability to make my heart melt.

You came into my life after the loss of my sweet Bella, and you made it easier to cope with the loss. I rescued you from a loveless relationship, and gave you my heart, my everything.

Know that you were loved until the last breath.

You were in pain but you never showed it. You're at peace now. Rest, my little booboo bear, malecki, my beautiful boy Hunter. I will forever treasure you in my heart. Thank you for being a part of my life.

Until we meet again.

Love, your mommy

Comments for R.I.P. My Sweet Hunter, My Bobo Bear — 17 Years Old, An Amazing Life!

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Thank You
by: Vesna

Thank you very much for your comforting words. I really appreciate them.

I understand I'm not alone. So many people have lost their most precious little fur babies. I lost Bella in 2019.

My little Hunter was 12 when I adopted him, but he was my special little boy.

Over last 30 years, 6 fur dog babies, and 6 fur cat babies have crossed that rainbow bridge. I hope they are all together! Thank you once againe, Lee, for your comforting words.

Thank you Paula
by: Vesna

Thank you, Paula, for your kind words. I'm very sorry for your loss as well. Our fur babies become such a big part of our lives, and the pain is real.

Our only solace is knowing how much we loved them. They will forever be etched in our hearts.

You Were and Are Loved by Your Mommy, Hunter!
by: Lee

I am so very sorry for the dreadful loss of your lovely little boy, Vesna. He crept into your heart, and that is where he will stay until you are once again reunited.

I hope your pain lightens soon and you find a reason to smile and carry on. Please know that you are not alone in your pain. I pray that you will be comforted.

RIP sweet Hunter.

by: Paula

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Gracie one month ago. She was 14. I got her when she was 5. There are no words to describe my loss.

Hunter was a beautiful dog and a total gift from God. Each day will get a little better. Hunter is with you every day. One day you will see him again.

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