Riley, The Love Of My Life

by Susan Blackshere
(Granite City Illinois)

Riley Sweet Brindle Boy

Riley Sweet Brindle Boy

To Riley, my love, who left this world April 19 2009, the day I will forever remember in my heart.

Riley, you were my sweet boy who loved everyone, and everyone loved you. To be rescued from a pound when you had lived there 5 months of your young life. To be brought back after being adopted 7 weeks later. To enter my life after my Lady had died. To take on protecting your little sister Lil Lady when she was 7 weeks old, your were her big brother and she misses you so.

You will forever be my baby who carried my shoes onto the bed and to lay your sweet chin on. To the little boy who learned how to howl when you didn't know how.

My heart is broken but I know someday I will see you again, that sweet brindle boy who stole my heart. Till we are reunited again Riley.

Love Mom, Dad and Lil Lady

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Riley My Love
by: Riley Mom

Riley, it has been 1 year the 19th of April since you left and went to be with God. My heart still cries for you, my little boy. So many memories of you, my brindle boy. I still tell everyone about my boy who stole my heart.

Your dad and sister Lady miss you so. The house is still quiet without your silly ways. I miss you meeting me at the door and running to the toy box, so you can toss your toy in the air.

I saw a brindle girl at the pound today and I thought of you. I wanted to take her home, she was going to have babies. I knew that I could not, but someone else was going to get her out.

I read the Rainbow Bridge today and cried for you my Riley. Thinking about you waiting for your mom, when I leave this earth. Well my son, till we meet again, I will love you forever.

Kisses, my Riley. Love Mom

Still Crying
by: Susan Blackshere

Riley, it has been over 5 months since you died on April 19 2009. I still cry every day. I miss you so much sweet boy.

There will never be another Riley. I keep looking for that brindle boy with the wiggle butt and the boy that talked. The house is still quiet, your sister Lil Lady misses you so. I foster dogs and think that that special one will come.

Till my we meet again my son.

Your Mom

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