Riley Hickman 11-22-2001 to 4-3-2010

by Nicole
(Cornelius, Oregon)

Riley Hickman 11-22-01 to 4-3-2010

Riley (Pookey Bear), words cannot describe how much I miss you. You were so very special to me in so many ways. I loved you so very much and will never stop loving you.

I will miss how you would “talk to me” and tell me stories. I will most miss the simple fact that I could pat my chest and you would come right away and snuggle with me anytime I needed you. You got me through a very tough transition moving to Oregon and kept me going when I was down.

You were always so incredibly happy to greet me at the door when I would come home from work. No matter how bad my day was you always made me feel better. We had such a special bond that I will never forget. It will take a very long time for me to heal. You held such a special place in my heart and always will and that piece of my heart will never heal.

I promise you will always be with me wherever I am and I will never ever forget you. You were such a precious dog. You were so good. This morning I let Mo outside and of course had to fight with him to go. I broke down in tears cause I knew you would have gone right out and back in by the time I got Mo off the porch.

Riley, I love you so much, I hope you know how much I truly love you. When and if we decide to get another dog, that dog will never ever be able to replace you and all the special things you did.

I know you are at peace now and not hurting anymore and that is the only thing holding me together right now. I just wish you were here to snuggle with me one more time.

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Your Loss
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry about your loss. I just lost my Rudy of 10 yrs. I know how much you hurt. God Bless.

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