by Lisa White
(Renton, WA)
Rika Lou, my Faithful Doggy Friend
Rika Lou:
Faithful, staunchly loyal defender of the home front. You were always so sweet to me, and comforted me when I was down, or hurting, or sick, which I often was. But, I was never lonely with you beside me, so pretty with black and brown, shining, coarse fur.
You were short, and people thought you were Corgi, but we only know that a Cocker Spaniel was seen exiting the yard of your min-pin mixed Mama's back yard, while she was in heat. You had the frame of our cocker spaniel, and a gentle and sweet nature, but there the similarity ended.
You wanted to go everywhere with me, but in summer I was forced to leave you at home. I remember how small you were as a puppy.
I carried you to La Conner in a small basket, which you had chosen yourself, like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You rejected the first three after trying them out first (you knew, when your Papa brought the pile of free baskets home, exactly what they were for and climbed in one-by-one, until you found the right fit).
We were so poor, and childless, but we never felt it, because we had you. 18 1/2 years of constant, unbroken Love and Loyalty. We paid $45 for you; what a bargain for such a priceless gift!
The day before you died, we danced. One last dance together, this side of Heaven. You were so exuberant, and I felt a bittersweet joy, because I knew. We both did (your Papa and I), though we never spoke about it till afterwards. It was a priceless gift, and I'll never forget you.
I'll miss you until I arrive in God's Garden in Heaven.... I wonder if you'll be able to talk to me there, or only gently snort, and paw at my leg as you used to....? Till then, I miss you, my Faithful Friend.
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