by Shiva Kumar
(Trivabdrum, Kerala, India)
You where the cutest and the best
I remember the day you came, sitting Inside a grape box. For the first few years I did not get attached to you, but when my cousins left, as I was the only child, I felt lonely and considered you my little sister. Through my teenage years, you where with me so you and I became so attached . You where energetic,playful. When you where around your activeness propelled us(me, mom, dad & grandma) through bad times.when I realised you where sick I prayed to god. Later I realised you where diagnosed with pyometra and it was in a critical stage. I tried everything to save you. But you overcame all odds to survive the surgery. But in the end you passed away.
I can promise one thing, that I will never forget you.
I hope you have a good time in the hands of god.
Rest in peace, sweety...
I miss you.