Rest in Peace, Best Friends

by Sarah Jane Mendoza

To Cory,

My mother said you died the day I was born. I never had a chance to meet you, but if I had, I would have liked to see you and thank you, because my grandma said, you died and let me live.

To Rambo,

We had you ever since I was just a little baby, and we had you until I was in the 6th grade. I loved you even the first time I tried to take you on a walk, when you pulled me over the stairs and I got hurt.
(I was just 4 years old when that happened).

You just died one night when we were asleep.

Thanks for the memories dude. :)

To Ar-Ar,

The genius dog! My father taught you some tricks and you did them well even without a treat. I loved you even when you bit me when I was 6 that left a scar on my face. I'm sorry that we left you outside the house to sleep. And I know you were not comfortable to sleep there. You lived there for almost a year.

When you died, I really couldn't look at you. I really feel guilty that I couldn't do anything to ease your pain. You fell in the stairs for many times trying to get in the house and feel safe. I was crying for almost a month when you died.

To Chu-Chu,

The friend who healed my broken heart. It was May 05, 2009 when you and I met. You were so tiny that I could hold you with my one hand.

You filled the emptiness in my heart that day. I loved you even though you always played with our slippers during your childhood. You became my best friend as days went by.

I'm so sorry that Mom put a chain around your neck. I didn't see anything wrong in you. You were a well disciplined dog, never bit me ever since, kissed me whenever I was sad.

But as the years went by, we paid little attention to you, fed you a little and almost forgot to give you a bath. I know you weren't happy that I brought home a pup last new year.

You were very angry to him, never let him go to your side. Always growled on him. But you know, you had a very loving heart. It took you almost a week to love him. After a week, you didn't even notice that you were playing together. I really don't know why you died. Your best friend really misses you. He always goes to your favorite places.

I will always remember what happened that night before you died. You came to me with those sad brown eyes, telling me that you were in pain, telling me to take you to the vet. I'm so sorry, we didn't have money to take you there.

We all prayed that night to keep you alive, that's the best thing we could do. And while I was praying to God, you came to me again, breathing hard, and I think you were saying "goodbye master," but I just pat your head that time, telling you to sleep because tomorrow you will get well.

After that I slept, hoping to see you the next day very well. I dreamed of you, that you got well and our story continued. But that was all a dream. I was woken up by my mother, who told me that you had died a couple of hours ago. The garbage man took you. That day I didn't know what to do, your best friend was searching for you, and I don't know how to explain it to him.

I know you are all in Heaven with God now.
And there are angels taking care of you there.
Don't worry, time will come and we will be reunited again.
I hope you would all remember me.
Thanks for the memories, best friends.

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