Remembering "Big Dog"

by Kate
(United States)

BIG DOG - Cheyenne

BIG DOG - Cheyenne

Cheyenne was his name, but to those of us who lived with him he was "Big Dog." He stood 30 plus inches tall, had a head like a bear but he was a gentle giant of a German Shepherd who loved kids (the littler the better) and was the "protector" of all..

Cheyenne was my roommate's dog, but he also belonged to my heart. I had the pleasure of getting to know him over the past year or so and I am thankful for every minute he was in my life.
He crawled inside my soul with his giant smile, his huge paw which he offered in friendship to me daily. He mooched "cookies" and human food treats whenever he could and was tall enough to "help himself" when it wasn't offered.

He was the "leader of the pack" and his "pack" made him seem even larger than life since it consisted of an eleven inch tall Lhasa Apso and a Sheba Inu mix rescue dog who needed his sense of canine discipline about life.

He accepted both of them, however unlikely and led with an aloof authority that behooved his 130 pounds of fur.

Today the human members of his pack mourn his passing. He went to sleep on his blanket in his favorite spot with his 'pack' beside him. Our dogs grieve with us, their eyes sad, their tails down. A sense of loss is everywhere.

I know this will pass with time, but for now there is a "big" hole where Cheyenne "BIG DOG" used to be.

We miss you buddy dog, and we'll see you at the bridge at some point in the future... I won't say goodbye.. just see ya later.

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Big Head Dog
by: Sue Gallagher

Here's hoping that your Big Dog is hanging out with our "Big Head Dog," also a gentle giant of a german shepherd and friend to all (except maybe squirrels).

There is a huge hole in our hearts and lives and we will never forget the best friend I have ever had.

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