Our Sweet Tex

by Dallas

Our sweet baby Tex, how we love you! You were such a sweet, precious, handsome boy and there will NEVER be another like you -- ever. You were our handsome, fearless free spirit, and words cannot express how much you are loved and how much it hurts that you are gone. Your loss has just been devastating. I long to just kiss your nose and hug your neck.

Tex was our Rhodesian Ridgeback that we lost on December 20, 2008. Texy was a fearless, free spirit -- veterinary shots, trips to Polly's, going in our parents bedroom -- it didn't matter... he was fearless.

He was as stubborn as a mule. He did what he wanted, when he wanted to do it...and we loved him for it! He was the king of the castle.

He also loved warm beds with lots of pillows and blankets. And even though he seemed to be about the size of a horse, he always insisted on being someone's bed partner (usually mine). Needless to say, he took up the entire bed! And if you weren't careful and you left your spot on the bed for even a minute, Tex would take it!

Tex always made sure he got everything first (kisses, treats, couch space, etc.) before his brother Rhett (Rhett is a Labradoodle). He also loved squirrel chasing with Rhett and was always the first out the door. He loved sitting like a cat on the bay window and back seat rides in the car with Momma (whom he adored).
Losing our Tex has been devastating and shattering. We love him so much and I miss him more everyday.

Texy, we love you so much and miss you. God is good and He created you so perfectly and sweetly. I thank Him for the time we had with you. I know you are with Him because death does not have the final victory. Life has the final victory.

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Thank you for sharing
by: Marguerite

Thanks for sharing about your sweet dog. I am new to this site. Seeing how much you loved Tex helped me to remember all the wonderful memories I have in my heart for my little doggy angels.

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