Our Fat Man

by Brandy and Billy Potts
(Baltimore MD)

Our 14 year old Rottweiler Bozie passed away yesterday morning, 2/3/2012, in my arms at our home. He was my first dog ever, thanks to my boyfriend (he rescued Bozie from his step dad's apt when he passed away in 2003 after Bozie was left there by him for 2 weeks because with everything going on at that time, nobody realized Bozie was left alone). My boyfriend kicked in the door and brought him home with us, and ever since that day he was the second most important man in my life.

Bozie led a very interesting life, even more interesting than any human I know, and that truly makes me smile, because Bozie was so, so, so loved by every member of our families and even by all of our friends.

Bozie had been on and off again sick foe about 8 months now and I never took him to the vet, because I knew that the vet would suggest we put him down and (by my own selfishness I wasn't ready to let him go, I wanted him to just live the rest of his days being free and loved and with his family).

I wish I had taken him, but it's too late for that. No, he wasn't suffering, but still I can't help but wonder. I loved that dog more than my own life, but I do feel like I let him down to a certain extent as a parent. I hope he forgives me and knows how much I truly love and miss him. My heart s broken for a billion reasons right now, and it's too much to handle.

Mommy, Daddy, and your brother Gotti love and miss you so much, my fat man. We hope you're at peace. I hope that you can forgive me, baby. Mommy was just trying to do what I thought was best for you. I just wanted you to live these last few months free and as normally as possible. I didn't want you to leave this world until YOU were ready!

Fats, we love you more than you could understand. I hope you're running around chasing hookers (he really did this and the police actually locked him up, we had to go to a jail to pick him up lol), eating your cook cooks, and getting your belly and butt scratched.

Until we meet again, my furry friend...

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