Our dog Bob

by Kate Jones

Bob was a six year old cross labrador/lurcher. He came to us from people who no longer believed they could care for him when he was a year and a half and he came with problems! Bob didn't like any mechanical noise, lawnmowers and hoovers especially! Meeting a group of dogs on his walks, being on a lead, and traffic going at a fast speed, he would try to confront these, but would run upstairs when you used the toaster!

But there was the other side to our lovely, cute boy, the dog who gave us so much pleasure and cared deeply for us as we did of him. He loved the fire, being upstairs on the bed, having his belly rubbed, and eating, and eating!!! He loved his toys, especially his favourite Benji. He adored his walks in the woods, chasing those darn squirrels!

Bob passed away so suddenly. Having just finished a walk, and scared by speeding traffic, he bolted out of his lead and into a busy lane where he was hit by a car... on 12 March 2010. One of the saddest days in our family, so hard to come to terms with.

Bob, you were such a part of our family and you have left us with many happy memories - we thank you for that and we will always love you forever. We want you back, to turn the clock back to have you here with us again....

You remain in our hearts forever!

Comments for Our dog Bob

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Thank You
by: Kate and Family

Thank you so much for your comments. We are devastated at losing Bob but we would like you to know that your kind words have brought us comfort. It really does help to know there are people out there who understand exactly how we are feeling. Thank you and god bless.

by: kellymagoo5@aol.com

Please accept my sincerest sympathy. Bob looked like a handsome little soul. I will keep him and you in my prayers. I know how hard this loss is, having just lost my best friend, Beau. We just love them so much. Keep that love in your heart always.



I just want you to know I feel your pain. Your friend has passed the rainbow bridge and he'll be there waiting for you. I recently losy my english mastiff. I cry every day but I do find comfort in knowing he'll be there waiting for me. I am so sorry for your loss.

by: Anonymous

i am so sorry for your loss. I know how hurt you feel. Our pets take a huge part of our heart and they love us so much and ask for so little. Again, my sympathies are with you.


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