Our Dearest Scooby

Scooby enjoying the view

Scooby enjoying the view

Dear Scooby,

We all miss you. You left us all on 11 Apr 2022, almost a month before your fourth birthday.

You were so loving, innocent and inquisitive. I still remember you coming where we would be eating to get a share of some portion.

When the bedroom door curtains move I feel unconsciously that you are coming in. Your food bowl and water bowl remind me so much of you. We still have your bed at the same place.

I miss your presence so much. You were so lively. You brought a sense of ease to the house.

I'm sorry we didn't take you out the last few weeks. It still hurts. You will always be the most loved in the family.

You were always the best boy of the house. I remember how you would get scared of my guitar and I would chase you around with it.

You loved running around and playing with any object that you could grab with your teeth. You filled the house with joy.

Even now, when I hear any noise outside my door, I instinctively think of you. You have left a deep impact on all of our hearts. We will always remember you and carry you in our thoughts and memories.

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