Our Buddy Spankee

by Heidi

Spankee was a forever companion, and our "road dog."

He was a sweet guy. He started out very shy. He grew into his personality and really came out of his shell as time went on.

When we were coming in the front door, he would put his paw out and would open the door.

When we stopped petting him, he would put his paw on us to get us to continue.

He looked at us with love, slowly blinking his eyes, seeming to indicate that he was smiling, and that he understood.

He taught us patience. He finally became a confident pup.

He was awesome, and we miss him terribly!

We had lots of great walks together, and I cherished every day. He and his brother Mugzy got to stay with us at the shore at the end of the summer of 2019. We went to Boston together years ago.

On the day before his last day, we took a last "walk" together where I carried him. He was still enjoying, sniffing, and looking around. We were together until the end. He was still looking at us, ears still at attention. He wanted to get up.

He was always such a watch dog, always running to the door to see what was happening. He no longer had the strength to go, but he seemed like he still wanted to.

He looked content, even in the last moments. At the end, he looked at peace.

Mugzy started his shifts in the hallway when Spankee got sick. Mugzy was there to defend us, there to keep us sane.

We were very lost when Spankee left our lives.

I will miss you forever, my friend Spankee. I wish you were still here. You will never leave my heart, always in my mind. We will love you always! You will always have a place here with us here in our hearts.

We're jeeping your memories alive. We had 14 amazing years together. We wish they would never end. Until we meet again, my friend…

Tribute to Spankee and his brother Mugzy:

Loved the way they would "cirque du soleil" with other dogs, jumping side to side. Loved how one dog would run to the top of the stairs, and the other would wait, then they would chase each other on the top of the stairs, then run into the apartment when the door was open, nails sliding on the hardwood floors.

Loved how they were like yin and yang together, snuggling up however. Best buds for life! Together since birth. Super cute!

Remembering meeting you both for the first time, and we were just going to meet Spankee. We saw Spankee and Mugzy together, and I melted, and asked – can we get them both?

We bonded that first day when they were only about a month old. We went back to pick them up in February of 2006. They were dressed in their tshirts. We brought them home to their new home.

Alison and Alison did an amazing job of raising them as puppies, and we continued to raise them, taking shifts, taking them on so many dog walks, together and separately, to the point that people in the neighbor thought I was a dog walker.

You could hold them both at the same time. They were so tiny. They grew up into gorgeous young pups. We have had so many wonderful years together.

Love those Frosty Bosties! I cherish all the memories we have of them. We miss them both. I hope they are now reunited in doggie heaven.

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