Our Buddy Mugzy

by Heidi

Mugzy was such a beautiful old soul.

Baby puppy old man. He always seemed like he had a wise old soul, even when he was very young.

He was always by our side, and always loving.

He was an empathetic and sympathetic creature. He seemed to feel what we felt, and seemed to be symbiotic. Even when we thought he did something, and it could have been his brother Spankee who did something, he would still look guilty just because you thought he might have done something.

I was always happy to wake up and go on our walks. Our walks were special. He would try to go into the hardware store, the doggie food store, the barber shop, and the fire department. He knew where the good treats were. He and his brother would sometimes lay on the ground when we were near the fire department so that they could try to convince us to bring them to the firefighters who would give them treats.

He was my forever bud, our little love bug, our Love Dog. I hope our Love Dog and Road Dog have been reunited in dog heaven. They were two peas in a pod, and we miss them both terribly.

Mugzy was our buddy and our forever companion. He loved us so much, and we loved him very much. I miss our walks every day. I miss him being near. I miss everything about him.

When he was young, he would jump up on the bed. When he was older, we would carry him to get him up. He was very popular in our neighborhood. He had many friends, both human and canine alike. His brother did too. They were well loved by all.

What a sweet guy. He was a forever companion, always there under foot, like a little shadow.

He got to go with us to the shore again last summer, along with Dolly. So grateful that we got to spend that time together. It’s never enough time, though. I miss you so much!

I miss caring for our little old man. He was a forever friend.

We had 16 wonderful years together. The first 14 years were with you and your brother Spankee. The last two years we spoiled you and gave you lots of attention. We wanted to make sure you weren't lonely.

It was so hard to say goodbye to you. We miss you terribly! I keep you in my memories and close to my heart. We had so much fun with you, and you brought us so much joy! Until we meet again

Tribute to Mugzy and his brother Spankee:

Loved the way they would "cirque du soleil" with other dogs, jumping side to side. Loved how one dog would run to the top of the stairs, and the other would wait, then they would chase each other on the top of the stairs, then run into the apartment when the door was open, nails sliding on the hardwood floors.

Loved how they were like yin and yang together, snuggling up however. Best buds for life! Together since birth. Super cute!

Remembering meeting you both for the first time, and we were just going to meet Spankee. We saw you both together, and I melted, and asked – can we get them both?

We bonded that first day when they were only about a month old. We went back to pick them up in February of 2006. They were dressed in their tshirts. We brought them home to their new home. Alison and Alison did an amazing job of raising them as puppies, and we continued to raise them, taking shifts, taking them on so many dog walks, together and separately, to the point that people in the neighborhood thought I was a dog walker. You could hold them both at the same time. They were so tiny. They grew up into gorgeous young pups.

We have had so many wonderful years together. Love those Frosty Bosties! I cherish all the memories we have of them. We miss them both. I hope they are now reunited in doggie heaven.

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