by Gina Padgett
(Jacksonville, NC )
Emma (left) and Bud (right)
To our beloved Bud so strong and so loveable….
As you make your journey up to heaven,
I hope you do so with grace,
As I know you are headed to a better place.
I’ll never forget the love that you share,
Or how sometimes you’d sit there and stare.
You’d run to the door to greet us,
No matter how much I would put up a fuss,
You didn’t care,
You were just happy we were there.
I love you Budders no matter what I used to say,
In my heart a special place for you will stay.
As you make your way to heaven’s door,
I wish I could have showed you more.
God bless you Bud, please wait for us,
I promise when we meet again at the door,
This time I won’t make a fuss.
Bud was a faithful dog and the best friend you could ever have. He surely will never be forgotten.
We love you with all our hearts and hope you are in a better place Bud.