Our Beautiful Dog-ter Priya

by Philip Benedict
(NYS Southern Tier)

Priya Benedict - loved by all

Priya Benedict - loved by all

Here I sit some 10.5 years after writing a memorial for another dog-ter, Janey Goodgirl. Another rescue, Priya came to New York state via Tennessee. She was fostered by Tennessee Molly, whose love and lessons stood out immediately.

Priya loved cats, other people, and her mom and dad for some 9.5 years.

Priya was a hiking dog. Hundreds of walks at state parks, she hiked from South Carolina to Maine, but mainly New York.

She loved car rides and loved ice cream. She loved to dance, speak, give hugs, open her own presents. We've never had a dog that liked to snuggle like her.

Priya turned 8 in March of 2023. She stopped eating. We took her to her vet and our hearts broke when the vet told us about liver disease. Three more months at the most, he said.

We took her to a major dog hospital where they reinforced our vets belief- three more months.

Priya would not listen to any of them. Nine months later, she was strong as ever, opening her own Christmas presents, eating her mom's homemade food, running through the snow, loving everybody.

She remained strong until the last day of August. It was too fast. She died in our arms September 01, 2023. A strong, smart girl, she could not outlive liver disease.

I'm going to end this by just telling all what we would tell her over and over. "You are not just a pretty girl. You are so, so smart, little girl."

May God Bless all the dogs.

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