Oskar Meister Weiner
by Pat Meister
(Lillian AL)
It has been almost a year since you left for The Rainbow Bridge, and I still miss you terribly. Thank you for sharing your life with me for 16.75 years.
Taking you to Dr. Langston was the hardest thing I've had to do, and you were such a sweet old gentleman to the end. You were, by far, the best Christmas gift I've ever received, and you will live in my heart always.
Zeppo just turned 15 and has a bad back now, so I imagine it won't be too terribly long until he joins you. Oh, how he grieved for you in the beginning, but he had Cosmo to snuggle with.
My little family of Dachshunds is getting smaller. When Zep and Cos have joined you at the Rainbow Bridge, I'll put you three in the same urn so that you can be together just as in life.
I loved you so very much, little stubborn, comical dog!